
In December 2023 Egbert performed in a Christmas Recital, livestreamed on YouTube. In a few days, the Recital had over 800 views from all over the world as well as some very positive response.
Egbert is thinking about producing more livestreams, but a production like this is costly and sadly, both donations and album sales after the Recital (which was given for free!), didn't cover the costs (by far!).  

So, would you like Egbert to produce more livestreams for you? 
Of course you can let Egbert know, but more importantly: if and when you are able to donate towards the costs, or to purchase his music, you are really helping Egbert to make more music for you!
Also, do share Egbert's music with others who might have an interest in his music!

Christmas Recital - December 23rd, 2023


Christmas Recital 2023 is a production brought to you for free by Egbert Juffer & EJ Music Publishing Ltd. Would you like to support Egbert and his work? A donation helps Egbert to make more music for you and is much appreciated!

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The minimum tip is £1.00

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